Disco a 4 posizioni in lamiera zincata. Si applica sul foro del coprifavo e può essere posizionato in quattro modi: aperto per poter collocare il nutritore cilindrico, chiuso, con fori di aerazione e come escludiregina.
Codice Prodotto:503
These RG aluminium oxide flap wheels are characterized by extremely compact design, 3,17 mm diameter cylindrical shaft and X-Flex weight backing. Main features and benefits: Being very compact, our Micro RG wheels can be used in confined spaces. The small shaft diameter allows them to be used on light and versatile machine tools. Recommended applications: Finishing moulds, small-sized pipes and cylinders, drilled parts in general. Work surfaces: Stainless steel, standard steel, alloyed steel, aluminium, titanium, nonferrous materials and alloys, plastic materials, glass fibre.